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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/27/15 Sons of Korah Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150927amSonsofKorahRO.mp3
09/20/15 Final Words #5 - I Thirst Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150920amFinalWords5IThirstCD.mp3
09/20/15 Nicodemus - John 3 Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20150920pmNicodemusJn3CD.mp3
09/16/15 The Righteousness of God in Salvation Berry Kercheville Sermon Fall 2015 Gospel Meeting - Berry Kercheville - God's Eternal Purpose for His People D - Gospel Meeting 20150913WednesdayPMTheRighteousnessofGodInSalvationBK.mp3
09/15/15 Out of Your Heart Will Flow Rivers of Living Water Berry Kercheville Sermon N/A D - Gospel Meeting 20150913TuesPM.mp3
09/15/15 The Desire to Know God's Working in My Life Berry Kercheville Sermon Fall 2015 Gospel Meeting - Berry Kercheville - God's Eternal Purpose for His People D - Gospel Meeting 20150913TuesAmWhyTheDesireToKnowGodsWorkinginmyLifeBK.mp3
09/14/15 No One Comes To Me Unless the Father Draws Him Berry Kercheville Sermon Fall 2015 Gospel Meeting - Berry Kercheville - God's Eternal Purpose for His People D - Gospel Meeting 20150913MondayPMDrawnbytheFatherBK.mp3
09/13/15 Biblical Approach to Maturity Berry Kercheville Sermon Fall 2015 Gospel Meeting - Berry Kercheville - God's Eternal Purpose for His People A - Sun Bible Study 20150913amClassBiblicalApproachMaturityBK.mp3
09/13/15 The Purpose of God in Salvation Berry Kercheville Sermon Fall 2015 Gospel Meeting - Berry Kercheville - God's Eternal Purpose for His People B - Sun AM Worship 20150913AmWorshipGodsEternalPurposeBK.mp3
09/13/15 The Purpose of God in Love Berry Kercheville Sermon Fall 2015 Gospel Meeting - Berry Kercheville - God's Eternal Purpose for His People B - Sun PM Worship 20150913SundayPMGodsInsistanceOfLoveBK.mp3
09/06/15 Guest Speaker Kieran Murphy Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20150906pmKieranMurphy.mp3
09/06/15 Final Words#4 : "My God, My God" Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150906amFinalWords4MyGodMyGod.mp3
08/30/15 Start The School Year Off Right Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150830amStartTheYearOffRightCd.mp3
08/26/15 A Christian's Relationship: To His Brother and His Father Reagan McClenny Sermon 2015 Wednesday Sermon Series C - Wed Bible Study 20150826xainrelationshipsbrothersandfatherreganmckleney.mp3
08/23/15 Final Words #3: Behold Your Son Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150823amFinalWordsBeholdYourSonCD.mp3
08/23/15 Lessons On What Not To Do Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20150823pmLessonsOnWhatNotToDoCD.mp3
08/19/15 A Christian's Prayer: Not Mechanical But Thoughtful George Slover Sermon 2015 Wednesday Sermon Series C - Wed Bible Study 20150819xianPrayerNotMechanicalButThoughtfulGeoSlover.mp3
08/16/15 Lazarus, Come Forth! Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150816amLazarusComeForthRO.mp3
08/16/15 Truth Jon Banks Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20150816pmTruthJonBanks.mp3
08/12/15 A Christian's Relationship: To False Prophets Mark White Sermon 2015 Wednesday Sermon Series C - Wed Bible Study 20150812XianRelationshipToFalseProphetsMarkWhite.mp3
08/09/15 Final Words #2 - The Thief on the Cross Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150809amFinalWords2Lk23CD.mp3
08/09/15 Fear Not - Acts 18 Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20150809pmFearNotActs18CD.mp3
08/05/15 A Christian's Commitment: The Radical Choice Paul White Sermon 2015 Wednesday Sermon Series C - Wed Bible Study 20150805WedXianCommittmentTheRadicalChoicePaulWhite.mp3
08/02/15 Romans 8: Our Victory, Our Help Dana Degarmo Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20150802amRom8OurVictoryOurHelpDDegarmo.mp3
08/02/15 A Man After God's Own Heart Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20150802pmAManAfterGodsOwnHeartRO.mp3

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