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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/13/16 Worship in the Wilderness - Ps 63 Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20160313am.mp3
03/13/16 Message of Leviticus Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20160313pm.mp3
03/06/16 Eve of Destruction Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20160304pmEveOfDestructionRO.mp3
03/06/16 Worthless Offerings Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20160306amWorthlessOfferingsCD.mp3
02/28/16 8-Sunday AM Segregated Sundays Benjamin Lee Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting Segregated_Sundays.pdf 201602282SegregatedSundaysBL.mp3
02/28/16 7-Sun Am Class-What Can I Do? David Pickup Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting 201602281WhatCanIDoDP.mp3
02/28/16 9-Sun Evening Evangelism It's Not Rocket Science Benjamin Lee Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting Its_not_Rocket_Science.pdf SunEveningBenLee.mp3
02/27/16 2-Sat AM The Real Causes Of Homosexuality David Pickup Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting 2-SatAMTheRealCausesOfHomosexualityDP.mp3
02/27/16 4 - Real Change is Possible David Pickup Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting 201602273RealChangeisRealPossibleDP.mp3
02/27/16 5 - Seeking Solutions to Racism Benjamin Lee Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting 201602274SeekingSolutionsToRaismBL.mp3
02/27/16 6 - Answering the Gay Agenda David Pickup Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting 201602275AnsweringGayAgendaDP.mp3
02/27/16 3 - Racism Past and Present Benjamin Lee Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting 3-RacismPastAndPresent.mp3
02/26/16 1-A Crucial Conversation About Race Benjamin Lee Gospel Meeting 2016-Youth Weekend D - Gospel Meeting ACrucialConversationAboutRace.pdf 1-FriPMACrucialConversationBL.mp3
02/21/16 True Repentance Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20160221amTrueRepentanceCD.mp3
02/21/16 Don't Be Fooled Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20160221pmDontBeFooledRO.mp3
02/10/16 Taking Action Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20160207pmTakingActionRO.mp3
02/07/16 The Lord Never Fails Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20160207amTheLordNeverFailsCD.mp3
01/31/16 One out of Ten Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20160131amOneOutOfTenCD.mp3
01/27/16 Seeing Through the Eyes of Hope Don Truex Gospel Meeting Spring Meeting 2016 - Living Faith in a Dying World - Don Truex D - Gospel Meeting 20160127wedSeeingThroughEyesOfHopeDT.mp3
01/26/16 Defending A Kingdom Don Truex Gospel Meeting Spring Meeting 2016 - Living Faith in a Dying World - Don Truex D - Gospel Meeting 20160126tueDefendingAKingdomDT.mp3
01/25/16 Heaven, We Have A Problem..... Don Truex Gospel Meeting Spring Meeting 2016 - Living Faith in a Dying World - Don Truex D - Gospel Meeting 20160125monHeavenWeHaveAProblemDT.mp3
01/24/16 Evangelism For The Rest of Us Don Truex Gospel Meeting Spring Meeting 2016 - Living Faith in a Dying World - Don Truex B - Sun AM Worship 20160124am1EvangelismForTheRestOfUsDT.mp3
01/24/16 Privilege of God Centered Worship Don Truex Gospel Meeting Spring Meeting 2016 - Living Faith in a Dying World - Don Truex B - Sun AM Worship 20160124am2PrivledgeGodCenteredWorshipDT.mp3
01/24/16 Mom, Dad and the Kids Don Truex Gospel Meeting Spring Meeting 2016 - Living Faith in a Dying World - Don Truex B - Sun PM Worship 20160124pm.mp3
01/17/16 Faith in a Dark Place Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20160117pmFaithInADarkPlaceCD.mp3

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