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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/26/17 Continue in the Things You Have Learned Caleb Churchill Sermon 2017 Youth Weekend - Your First Love B - Sun AM Worship 201702youthweekendSundayAMworship.mp3
02/25/17 Lovers of Money Daniel Broadwell Sermon 2017 Youth Weekend - Your First Love D - Gospel Meeting 201702youthweekend1045am.mp3
02/25/17 Lovers of Pleasures Daniel Broadwell Sermon 2017 Youth Weekend - Your First Love D - Gospel Meeting 201702youthweekend1330pm.mp3
02/25/17 Lovers of God Caleb Churchill Sermon 2017 Youth Weekend - Your First Love D - Gospel Meeting 201702youthweekend1430pm.mp3
02/19/17 Elders - Shepherds and Sheep - Part 2 Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20170219amEldersShephardandSheepPart2cd.mp3
02/19/17 Guest Sermon Aaron Holladay Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20170219pmAaronHolidayCareerandFamily.mp3
02/12/17 Parent's Checklist Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship Parents_Checklist_-_4_Ephesians_vv1-4.pdf 20170212am-parentschecklistCD.mp3
02/12/17 Paul's Heart Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 2_Corinthians_-_Pauls_Heart.pdf 20170212pm-PaulsHeartRO.mp3
02/05/17 The Deceptive Tree Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20170205amTheDeceptiveTreeGen3CD.mp3
02/05/17 Elders - Part 1 Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20170205pmEldersPart1CD_Export_1.mp3
01/29/17 The Frequency of God Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20170129amTheFrequencyofGodCD.mp3
01/28/17 Lesson 1 - An Apple in Eden David Pickup Sermon January Young Mens Study - Dealing with Pornography S: Other PornseminarTwinCitiesJan2017.pptx 2017PickupYoungMensStudy1AppleinEdenDP.mp3
01/25/17 Lesson 6 - Maintaining Your Confidence Tony Mauck Sermon Delivered from the Enemy - Tony Mauck - January 2017 D - Gospel Meeting 201701MeetingTonyMauck6WedMaintainingYourConfidenceTM.mp3
01/24/17 Lesson 5 - 12 Months Later Tony Mauck Sermon Delivered from the Enemy - Tony Mauck - January 2017 D - Gospel Meeting 201701MeetingTonyMauck5Tue12MonthsLaterTM.mp3
01/23/17 Lesson 4 - Rebellion in the Vineyard Tony Mauck Sermon Delivered from the Enemy - Tony Mauck - January 2017 D - Gospel Meeting 201701MeetingTonyMauck4MondayRebellionintheVinyardTM.mp3
01/22/17 Lesson 1 - Astounded by the Work of God Tony Mauck Sermon Delivered from the Enemy - Tony Mauck - January 2017 A - Sun Bible Study 201701MeetingTonyMauck1SunAMClassAstoundedbytheWorkTM.mp3
01/22/17 Lesson 2 - Drinking the Water of Life Tony Mauck Sermon Delivered from the Enemy - Tony Mauck - January 2017 B - Sun AM Worship 201701MeetingTonyMauck2SunAMDrinkingtheWaterTM.mp3
01/22/17 Lesson 3 - Listening to the Spirit Tony Mauck Sermon Delivered from the Enemy - Tony Mauck - January 2017 B - Sun PM Worship 201701MeetingTonyMauck3SunPMListeningtotheSpiritTM.mp3
01/08/17 Flee Temptation Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20170108amFleeTemptationCD_Export_1.mp3
01/08/17 Don't Be Fooled! Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20170108pmDontBeFooledCD_Export_1.mp3
01/01/17 Resolved - Luke 16 Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20170101amResolvedLk16RO.mp3
12/25/16 What Simeon Saw - Luke 2 Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20161225amWhatSimeonSawLk2CD.mp3
12/18/16 The God Who Saves Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20161218amTheGodWhoSavesCD.mp3
12/18/16 The Authority of Scripture Ross Oldenkamp Sermon N/A B - Sun PM Worship 20161218pmTheAuthorityofScriptureRO.mp3
12/11/16 Make a 911 Call Chuck Durham Sermon N/A B - Sun AM Worship 20161211amMAkeA911CallLk5CD.mp3

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