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Robert Raif May/June 2022 Report

Sunday, August 14, 2022

THE WORK IN CORRIGAN, TEXAS [email protected]

Greetings Brethren,





I hope and pray you all are well. We are doing about the same. Except, around the middle of June I was able to put my full weight on my injured leg, so that really excited me that I would be able to go into the prison again - - when they let me. I went on a 2-week vacation in June to Philly to see my two oldest granddaughters graduate. I am sorry, this report should have been done on the first of July, and here it is on the first of August.

I spend about 3 days on the work in Corrigan - - getting my classes and sermons ready and then presenting them and going about visiting. I plan to start door knocking now that my hip is better. In the Bible study, we’ve been discussing lessons called “The Whole Man” which basically teaches us that we are to be committed to God 24/7. It has been a good study. I’m preaching through 1 and 2 Timothy now on Sunday nights.

I spend another 2 days in the prison work, grading lessons and teaching the 40 men who have questions. I send a “bulletin” out at the end of the month whether they send any lessons in or not, and that has helped influence two men to stay the course. Sam baptized one man in a laundry cart and another wants to know more about baptism because he has been fed the doctrine of “faith alone” by so many for so long and wants to be sure.

I’ve always taken off Monday and Tuesday for my “weekend.” But because of my wife’s health, we never go anywhere. So my “weekend” is now spent being a messenger and sending funds that individuals give to me for the poor saints in the Philippines, countries in Africa, and some in Nicaragua. The priority is for brethren without food, some to help people get their medical needs supplied, and some to supply preachers with food and petrol to do their work. Most of these preachers have little or no support. Some of the young preachers ask questions on a certain topic or want the material to present truth in a Bible study with a J.W. or something like that. So many people are being converted in these foreign countries due to poverty, sicknesses, and also because of oppressive governments. Of the 15 preachers I deal with, there are at least 15 baptisms a week as they go about almost every day teaching in homes. Sometimes 30 people gather at a home that they have gone to on their motorbike, and often 1 or 2 will want to become Christians. Since the members have no transportation, the preachers have to do a lot of traveling each day, and on Sunday working with 2 or 3 and sometimes 4 different churches! A big concern of theirs is “petrol” so they can go and teach others. Glenn Fiesta goes to pick up individuals with his only mode of transportation - - a motorbike with a sidecar. He arrives with 3 people on the bike and 4 inside the sidecar! But this is how he brings some of the older people who have to walk miles to get to the meeting house. And they have one Bible for every three people, so we buy Bibles for them.

I so much appreciate all those who have fellowship me in the work in Corrigan and the prisons. Please pray that the Chaplain at Estelle will allow me back in. I visited there this last week, but that will be in my July/August report.

Love in Jesus who saves, Robert Raif

(Read on for more information on the benevolent work to those overseas.)

Here is the aid sent out. Total $5800 for May and in the next column what was spent in June. They send pictures of the bills to verify their needs.

May June


700 700 Kudakwashe (200 for his food and petrol, 500 for 3 churches for food) for the month 400 450 Brighton Tapiwanashe Makurudza. Food , rent, petrol, and helping the poor.


220 450 KULE EZRA BISATHU. 250 to feed the whole church for a month


400 450 John Ositu. Medical needs and support (his only support for his family)



400 Glenn Fiesta. Loli (wife): Food, petrol, Bibles and chairs

300 300 500 500 400 600 400 400 200 250 150 100 90 80


200 200 180 0

Manny Pader support and medical.
Simeon Vargas. Medicine for his 30–year-old daughter to enable her to walk again. Jimmy Domingo. Food, petrol, and medical bills.
Rosendo Gumpad support for him and his family
Andy M Dappas. Food and petrol for the work.
Felipe Jr Tan Tula. food and medical
Fe Apatan Baliog. Food and medicine

Jose Ruiz family food and medicine. Paulita Lopez. Medical needs.


In Him who saves, Robert Raif

Glen Fiesta’s son
with 7 passengers. Especially good on
cold rainy Sundays.---->

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