Twin City church of Christ Blog
“Dec 3, 2024 - Widows”
Categories: 2024 Reading DevotionalsWidows
Reading: 1 Timothy 5:9-16
Here Paul instructs Timothy in how to care for women who are “truly widows”(1 Tim 5:3). In the New Testament era, widows had no social safety net, few employment options, and were dependent on others. Paul wants the surviving family to be the first in line to care for women whose husbands have died: “If any believing woman has relatives who are widows, let her care for them. Let the church not be burdened, so that it may care for those who are truly widows”(1 Tim 5:16). Christians should take care of their families first, particularly those who are in a position of need because of a death. Those who are “truly widows” have not only suffered a loss, but are “left all alone”(1 Tim 5:5) without any family to lean on. They have no options. They are worthy of the church’s ongoing concern and support by being “enrolled”(1 Tim 5:9).
Paul gives a list of requirements for church support of such a woman. She must be at least 60, a faithful wife and mother, and a Christian worker (1 Tim 5:9-10). But younger widows are different; they are not to be enrolled because they may choose to remarry and “(abandon) their former faith”(1 Tim 5:12). This may indicate that ongoing support hinges on the commitment not to remarry. Perhaps these widows are doing a special work for the congregation that would require their singleness. Paul also has concern (probably born of experience) that younger widows will “learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not”(1 Tim 5:13). Instead of “enrolling” them, he encourages them to marry and work at home so that they are not idle and causing trouble.
These verses remind us that God has work for all of us. It would be tempting for an older widow, who has suffered a tragic loss while aging herself, to feel unimportant. It might also be tempting for a younger widow, who finds herself grieving and isolated, to become a busybody. Yet Christians honor those who serve Jesus. We value all people and the work they do. God has concern for widows and their service to him. Men or women, married or single, suffering or joyful, we all have a part to play.
One Thing to Think About: Do I have “a reputation for good works”(1 Tim 5:10)?
One Thing to Pray For: Opportunities to encourage and serve alongside faithful Christian women