Twin City church of Christ Blog

Twin City church of Christ Blog

“March 21, 2024 - What Do You Have That You Did Not Receive?”

Categories: 2024 Reading Devotionals

What Do You Have That You Did Not Receive?

Reading:  1 Corinthians 4:6-13
    Paul’s main problem with the Corinthians’ overvaluing of certain men is that it is making them “puffed up in favor of one against another”(1 Cor 4:6).   Thinking too much of these teachers means that they are thinking too much of themselves; when we separate into groups and condescend to others, it is because we think we know best (and we chose the right team).  Paul takes aim at the pride involved:  “For who sees anything different in you?  What do you have that you did not receive?  If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?”(1 Cor 4:7).   God gave us all good gifts to unite us and humble us—not to puff us up and divide us.

    The next section drips with sarcasm as Paul contrasts his humble, unglamorous lifestyle with the Corinthians’ view of themselves.  “Already you have all you want!  Already you have become rich!  Without us you have become kings!  And would that you did reign, so that we might share the rule with you!”(1 Cor 4:8).  The Corinthians think of themselves as already kings in a way that Paul mocks.  His way of “reigning” is far different:  “To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are poorly dressed and buffeted and homeless”(1 Cor 4:11).  Even though Paul’s ministry has its hardships, it is actually God’s work (see v. 9) and prevents his arrogance.  “We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ.  We are weak, but you are strong.  You are held in honor, but we in disrepute”(1 Cor 4:10).  The sarcasm is thick here; the Corinthians think of themselves as superior to the apostles who lead them.

    In addition to specific instructions, the Corinthians need an attitude adjustment.  “What do you have that you did not receive?” is a powerful question to challenge our pride.  We often become consumed with our intelligence, judgment, possessions, achievements, and reputations.  What part of this did we not receive?  If “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above”(James 1:17), what room do we have to boast and condescend?      

One Thing to Think About:   What do I have that I did not receive?

One Thing to Pray For:  The strength to endure when treated poorly