Twin City church of Christ Blog

Twin City church of Christ Blog

“Jan 10, 2024 - The Unkeepable Law”

Categories: 2024 Reading Devotionals

The Unkeepable Law

Reading:  Galatians 3:7-14
    Paul addresses the Galatians’ fixation on the Law of Moses by discussing Abraham.  This is not a coincidence; Abraham is venerated by both Jew and Gentile.  Yet Paul uncovers a startling truth about Abraham:  God blessed him not because he kept a law, but because of his faith (Gal 3:6).  “Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham”(Gen 3:7).  Paul even reframes God’s promise to bless all nations through Abraham as “foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith” and “(preaching) the gospel beforehand”(Gal 3:8).  Abraham is blessed, while uncircumcised, when he believes; so we can be blessed, whether circumcised or not, when we believe.

    The Law meanwhile, promises something different.  “For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, ‘Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them’”(Gal 3:10).  Notice that the curse comes when we do not keep “all things written;” the demand is for perfection.  It is possible to gain eternal life by Moses’ Law, provided that we always keep it in all points (Gal 3:12).  The problem is not the Law, but that we are not capable of sinless perfection.  So attempting to be righteous by our own goodness only leaves us cursed.  The good news is that Jesus redeems us from the curse by taking the curse on himself (Gal 3:13) so that even Gentiles “might receive the promised Spirit through faith”(Gal 3:14).  Praise God, we can be righteous without living a perfect life!

    Paul, an old veteran at law-keeping, informs the Galatians of an unpleasant reality:  we can’t do it.  We try to do right, but we make mistakes.  We redouble our efforts and try harder to try harder, but we can’t remove our sin.  As time goes by, we just add to our list of imperfections and weaknesses.  Jesus offers a new path.  He gives us a salvation that we do not earn and frees us to live by joyful, obedient faith in him.  When we make mistakes, we repent and he forgives.  Praise God, we can be righteous without living a perfect life!

One Thing to Think About:  How have I experienced the despair of trying to be saved by my own goodness?

One Thing to Pray For:   Gratitude to God for giving me a path to eternal life