Twin City church of Christ Blog

Twin City church of Christ Blog

“Ricky Shanks April 2023 Report”

Categories: Evangelist Updates

Report from “Ricky” William Shanks in Gainesville GA
4565 Persian Trail; Gainesville, GA 30507; Phones: 843-569-8729-Home; 843-725-9283-C

Website: AnswersFromTheBible.ORG - Dial A Bible Study: 770-835-4000 (Ext. 3 for Spanish.) Gainesville church ( meeting address is 2815 Wallace Rd. Gainesville GA 30507.

April 2023

The efforts to find seekers seem to be becoming more fruitful. Now there are 2 excited responses from the free ad paper. Melissa has now had 3 studies with Janice and I and she is more excited than ever. The forth study will be this week. The second contact was someone named Patrick, He had to cancel the 1st study due to work. But hopefully will squeeze in one this week. The both started with many questions texted to me.

Mario and Norma are doing well. Mario visited family in Chicago last week and taught and both his parents were baptized and his son also added to Christ. Praise God. There are many in his family so I’m sure there will be more to come. We are still nurturing them here locally and his sister with facetime in FL.

Tara has shown a worrisome behavior. Due to her severe PTSD from her family’s mistreatment, she has been very unstable. I thought she might make it but our enemy has influenced her away from further studies for the time being. We will keep trying but she really needs our prayers.

A contact named Sterling from UNG I’ve studied with a number of times at school agreed to bring his wife and 6 week old boy to our home for supper and long bible study last night. He is so hungry and that is looking good. Please pray for them, Sterling and Kelsie.

The efforts at UNG are ending with the school year on May 1. But I have about 100 that I can text study with and help them through the summer if they desire. There are new texting rules that the government is trying to implement and I am not sure where that is going. So I will keep you posted on how it may affect our efforts.

The flock is at peace and is doing well. Janice and I both teach classes. Janice the middle school ages and I teach adults who are new in Christ.

Thank you so much for your continued support and holding up our effort to find good and honest hearts here in north GA.

To God’s glory, Ricky